Some of you may know some of you may not know but did you know that there is actually a 1 second lag time between your system and the server? Did you know that this can play to your advantage?
I use this in healing all the time, which is WHY I REFUSE to use healing add-on's (unless they are ONLY there to show me how much healing I do and how much damage I prevented) in any MMO. Granted we don't have those yet in FFXIV but we may see them if enough of the Redditor's have petitioned it…they seem to have an odd power of provocation lol! The add-on's don't know there is a 1 second delay so you're actually in the end healing only at 60-70% efficiency…same goes for tanks, dps, and support/utility classes!
Basically say the cast time was 2.5 seconds….well normally you would cast the spell and 2.5 seconds later hit the button again. Keep this in mind, and it may take some practice: it takes you around 1/4-1/2 a second to even push the button to begin with, and then there can be anywhere from 1/2-1 1/2 second lag between you and the server. So even while it looks like you're still "casting" you may be able to hit the button and just as the casting bar goes off instantly the spell is being re-cast or a new one is being cast, leaving 0 second's of delay…making all those lovely "reduce casting time" or "cooldown" things seem obsolete…
So practice, try, see if you can get the hang of it and I promise you, once you do you'll see your skills in that class improve by at minimum 30%!!!! That is MORE than ANY BUFF, ANY SKILL POINT, ANY TRAIT can offer you in ANY MMO!!!
Knowing and being able to do just this alone…can change the entire game for you and sometimes can even change your build if not your gear set choices!
Shavari Admin replied
564 weeks ago