ac186bab57 Just make sure that your legal agreement with your distributor does not give them the right to collect these royalties, nor anything related to synchronization rights. Published in SOS June 2010 View more SOUND ADVICE articlesJoin our discussion groups for tips, advice and lively debate. Sign Up Today Create Your Account Sell Your Music Other Products & Services What is Ditto Music? Our Team Contact Us Terms & Conditions Site Map Company No: 03976764 VAT Number: GB107076729 Mailing List Sign up for regular newsletters about what we're up to. - Offers publishing for a 10% royalty rate on collections and 20% on income from sync licensing. Posted by Symphonic Marketing A & R, Branding, Industry Tips 6 17 April We found this great post on Music Clout and had to share! A guest post by Johnny Dwinell of Daredevil Production In my job, I get to speak with many indie artists who are at different points in their journey. You still think that if you get a deal thats when youve made it. Marketing is the art of influencing buying decisions. You need to seek out a few mentors to teach you what they know about their CRAFT and apply your unique vision and perspective to that knowledge. - Distributes to Beatport under a private label namely 'Songflow Beats'. Now, you wouldn't want to lose that deal because of your deal with the indie aggregator.
Those are the places that you NEED to be. Youre Not Capitalizing On Your Live Performances Todays music market is about endless content and email addresses. This article will help you overcome the difficult subject that is digital music distribution. Youre Self Sabotaging This is the most common and most destructive mistake of them all. The smart artist always thrives being around true pros that are better than them to soak in the education and grow to a new artistic level; fearless of the journey. Tips for promoting your music CD Babys musician guides are the perfect way to energize your music career. What works best for you is dependent upon your scenario and wishes, and will probably change over time. 12. Home Tablet Mag Podcasts WIN Prizes Subscribe Advertise About SOS Help Sat 4 Jun 2016 Have an account? Log in or Register for free Email address Password Remember me Stay logged in Forgot your password? Sound On Sound : Est. iMusician is an all in one solution for independent musicians and labels.
Vallowylh replied
457 weeks ago