Hey everyone, I'm Shavari. I'm the guy who made this website for the guild. I'm also the one working with Dante (and whomever else wants to help) on the market place diagnostics.
Yes I'm a dude, fuck you if you don't like me playing a chick, it's what I want…and I WANT TO SHOW OFF MY FEMININE SIDE DAMNIT *sadface –> Cryface* Leave me alone…you have no feelings…*bawling*
Anyhoot, I'm from North Carolina, I've played FFXI, WoW, GW2, GW, PW, FW, AoL, Ragnarok, Ragnarok 2, SWTOR, STO, and many many other MMO's.
I prefer unique classes in games, hence why FFXI is still the #1 MMO out there period (Go Blue Mage and Dancer woot!), however I usually revert to a healer when there isn't a unique class or a support job (like druids, bards, etc.).
I'm a plethora of info when it comes to healing and support jobs (still got the grapefruits, the balls, the audacity to say that no one can touch me in healing in WoW or any other MMO and i mean NO ONE…just gotta prove that now in FFXIV lol), but ask me about tanking and dps and i'm just as knowledgeable about those as the next guy…i can play them just fine just….yeah rather not.
I'm an avid D&D player and consistent DM (dungeon master), and yes that helps me translate virtually every MMO and game out there into numbers and matrixes…if you havn't guessed it yet yes…I'm a bit of a "perfectionist" when it comes to certain classes, but I do not put that on anyone else, only myself so no worries…I will spend days and days studying one aspect of one class to utilize it to it's most efficient….obsessive? Maybe…but i prefer perfectionist…(just ask my wife who also plays…she'll tell you how I am lol).
I enjoy gathering professions, mainly fishing though, and also enjoy cooking professions…in fact that's what I'm working on in FFXIV.
Let's see here….I like hunting, fishing, cooking, gardening, foraging, and gaming (irl for all that is) along with studying martial arts, medicine, nutrition, and the culinary arts.
i am a parent and married and perfectly fine with that.
Ok, off my soapbox I go and see you all in game! Can't wait to get to know you all more!
Shavari Admin replied
564 weeks ago