Ok everyone,
Thanks to the research done by my wife, Martigan, it is interesting to me to say that doing the market place may be more difficult than what it may seem…
Each of the three starting towns have their own separate auction system. Basically what you see in Gridania for example is NOT what you will see in Limsa, and NOT what you'd see in Ul. Each town therefore has it's own separate markets, which means their own demands, their own prices, etc….this makes things way more difficult…
For now, if anyone wants to work on the project make sure you put it down for whatever town you're working on, and you may need to make your own list of high-demand items for that town. From what I'm told Limsa has the richest market (probably because it's the most populated one on our server, Leviathan…)
So until we get a new plan figured out, lets put the spreadsheets on the back burner, and see what we can do to streamline things for each town.
EDIT: This yet unconfirmed!!!! There is a possibility that the market boards are in fact shared, so until I can speak with Martigan again to see what she saw I cannot confirm that the market places are in fact different/separate from each other. More to come soon!!!
Shavari Admin replied
564 weeks ago