Shavari Admin replied

571 weeks ago

Many of you have watched the intro trailer to FFXIV AAR many times, and so you've heard this song. It's an amazing piece and honestly it tells a story outside of a story, as does the video you watch…listen to what I say here then watch the video again…mayhaps you will see what I see…

I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer
Release your hands for your will runs asunder
My legs long tired, tell us where must we wander
How can we carry on with redemption beyond us
[End Chorus]

This is SE speaking about how they had to suffer through defeat of the original FFXIV and how they were chastised by the gaming comunity and critics

To all of my children in whom life flows abundant
To all of my children to whom death hath passed his judgment
The soul yearns for honor and the flesh the hereafter
Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after

This is SE talking of the ideas of recreating the game, after they were judged by critics and gamers, and how they want to redeem themselves to everyone, and they do this by looking to games that came before FFXIV for the answers, such as Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, etc.

Shining is the land's light of justice
Ever flows the land's well of purpose
Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe,
The land's alive, so believe

This is SE talking about them going after a second chance and saying that there is hope yet for FFXIV…they are asking people to believe in them…

Suffer [feel] (me) Lonely [face] (me) Weakness [teach] (me) Evil [Fear] (me)
although[feel] (me) one must [face] (me) stumble [teach] (me) listen [speak] (me)
(Although we) [speak] we (might) [tell] them (we must) [tell] them (land of) [hope] hope
(Mother) [hope] hope (father) [wish] with (every) [wish] wish(has a) [roam] home
(we must go) [roam] go (listen) [roam] go (suffer) [roam] home (sanctum) [swim] leap
(And as) [speak] we (wander) [sleep] sleep (answer) [sleep on] sleep on (on)

This is representative of all of the hard work they spent in such little time to create an entire brand new game from scratch to call it FFXIV ARR

Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated
Still deaf to our cries lost in hope we lie defeated
Our souls have been torn and our bodies forsaken
Bearing sins of the past for our future is taken

This is SE talking about how they admit that they were wrong, that they let down the fans, that they let down everyone and that they are hurt by the chastising that was done to them and how they will forever remember that and how for ever it will remain in peoples minds that FFXIV did fail…like a stain that never can wash out…

War, born of strife these trials dissuade us not
Words without sound these lies betray our thoughts
Mired by your plague of doubtful and cheap lore
Judgment binds all we hold to a memory of scorn
Tell us why, given life, we are meant to die? help us in our cry!

Here SE talks about how they had to fight with people who doubted them, who continued to chastise them, didn't believe they could possibly succeed from such a failure, and they call out and beg for the help of the people who hold them so dear, looking finally to those that call Final Fantasy home…

witness (we) suffer (we) grovel (we) reason
(we) follow (we) struggle (we) wander (we) listen
(we) whisper (we) shoulder (we) addle (we) weather
(please) answer (you) answer (me) answer together

Again, they show themselves making the game, improving what they have created so far, putting in time, blood, sweat, tears to try to make the game perfect…the final touches of the new FFXIV 14…

My life is a riddle to bear rapture and sorrow
To listen to suffer to entrust unto tomorrow
In one fleeting moment from the land doth life flow
Yet in one fleeting moment for the new leaf doth grow
In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know

Here SE explains how they constantly have to battle with opinions, with comments, with ideas, and how hard it is, explaining it's not an easy task to make a successful game, and that they are once again hoping it will all work out. They explain how out of no where, the fans of Final Fantasy, those that call it home, stood up beside them, defended them, and supported them, letting those doubters know to come back and to give it one more shot…which is where word of mouth began, critics began to take a second attempt at it, the gaming community welcomed another chance,

The last line represents a lesson learned…how one must first experience what it's like, suffer from their mistakes no matter how harsh they can be, only to learn and become successful

Watch the video now…..see how this song fits in SO well with the video, and watch the video with new eyes…see that it's telling the same story as well….

In the beginning you see the crystal, representing life and showing how Eorzea thrived and was though of as amazing…

Next you see the calamity, this is SE's way of showing how their world was so badly chastised and looked down upon that it was purely insulting, and they felt they were on the complete defensive…

You see the characters fighting the Empire (the characters are the loyal players, the Empire is the critics and those that did the chastising)…they battle hard to try to save what they have left of what is called "home"…

You see Cid looking up at meteor, worried, knowing somethings wrong…this is the founder of Square (before it was Square Enix) seeing that there's trouble…deep trouble…

Next you simply see that there is no hope…no matter how hard they try, the players feel like it's all over, even though they fight on…

So the developers try to save what they have (representative of the 7) doing so desperately to do this only to fail…they cannot save what they made, they cannot save what they spent millions on, what they worked so hard for…because here comes Bahamut out of Meteor (this represents the combined negativity of the critics and the doubters, hence why he's known in game as Bahamut, the World Ender) breaking through them…The 7 inside praying is SE praying things will work out, and the Elvaan at the battle is the creator of FFXIV, as they think they may succeed only to find it fails miserably…

The world being destroyed around them represents FFXIV being destroyed completely….erased forever…

So they teleport the players out looking for hope that they may one day return…and the creator (the elvaan) smiles knowing he's been defeated but at least he tried to put up a good fight, taking all of the blame onto himself…

You see the world filled with people and the 7 (the ones that were praying not the elvaan) enjoying what they made and seeing that it's a success, and has been accepted for a second chance.

You see the players return to a lush green forest…this is representative of the players being given a chance to see the new game, FFXIV ARR.

You see the main leader call his Chocobo, and the players ride off…this represents the acceptance and their victory in bringing a game and world back to life and is welcomed more than any other game.

Keep in mind, FFXIV failed worse than any other MMO and worse than any other Video Game period…all the critics admit to that, and NO ONE believed they could recover and that SE itself would collapse and fail from how much they spent on the project…

They admitted to their defeat, admitted to their failures, explained how they would fix everything, and told their fan base that they failed them…those were there exact words…they spent months, NOT years to make a game that normally would take a developer 4-5 years to create….everyone was doubtful, but the true fans stood by their side…

They bounced back and not only recovered FULLY from the loss of FFXIV, but started to make proffit again, and even beat out World of Warcraft, the most popular and welcomed MMO out there in 2013 on every front: player count, funding, profit, etc…no MMO out there was able to even stand toe to toe with FFXIV ARR in 2013 at all…

It's an interesting representation they did to show how all of this played out to introduce you to the new FFXIV….I personally think it was beyond touching…I can't stop watching it simply because well…Final Fantasy is home, and always will be to me…one can almost feel the pain they went through after the bullying and chastising just watching the video and listening to the song alone….it's sad what they went through…but they came back and stronger than ever before!

Congrats SE….you guys did it!

- Shavari

It tastes like fucking purple!!!
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