Sorry I haven't been on recently. As you know, I level whenever my wife is on. Sometimes she's on early in the morning while I'm asleep still, other times she's on when I'm working and not at home, so it's been one weird week so far.
But it's going to get weirder….well not really weirder lol.
Next week: 04/13/14 thru 04/19/14 We will be out of town on Vacation so we will not be on FFXIV at all (unless the wife is checking up on something randomly, she will have her laptop).
So just so you all know, if you have any questions please direct them to Naomi or one of the officers.
I'm a lady, but when I'm mad, I'm an evil sadistic demon spawned bitch from hell that'll make you wish you were never born…and when I'm happy, I bake cupcakes and shit.
Shavari Admin replied
569 weeks ago