Vallowylh replied

400 weeks ago

Subject of Witchcraft\r
by Paul Lewis\r
->->->->DOWNLOAD BOOK Subject of Witchcraft\r
This can be<br />illustrated from three of the processes employed to determine guilt. The<br />king had recommended the water ordeal. Up to this time it had not been<br />employed in English witch cases, so far as we know. The first record of<br />its use was in 1612, nine years after James ascended the English throne.<br />In that year there was a &#x22;discoverie&#x22; of witches at Northampton. Eight<br />or nine women were accused of torturing a man and his sister and of<br />laming others. One of them was, at the command of a justice of the<br />peace, cast into the water with &#x22;her hands and feete bound,&#x22; but &#x22;could<br />not sink to the bottome by any meanes.&#x22;\r
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last edited 375 weeks ago by Vallowylh
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